Wednesday, February 27, 2013

HIIT Ab Circuit

I did this ab workout the other day and my abs still hurt! Push through it and you will definitely feel it!

Circuit 1:
Decline Bench Crunches with weight x 20
Incline Leg Raises x 15
1 min Jumping Jacks
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat x 3

Circuit 2:
Bench V Ups x 15
Bench Crunches with weight x 20
1 min Mountain Climbers
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat x 3

Circuit 3:
Knee Ups x 20
1 min Jumping Jacks
Knee Ups with Twist x 15 each side
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times


  1. How many days per week do you recommend doing this? Should it be done on cardio days? In fact do you think you can make like an example of a weekly plan incorporating these workouts?
    Thanks for this lovely blog!!!! xoxox

    1. in general you can work your abs a few times a week, but you just have to remember that they're like any other group of muscles and require time for recovery. just see what works best for you! I engage my core as much as possible during my workouts too. personally i don't think it matters if you do this on a cardio day or not, I always try to get my heart rate up no matter what kind of workout I'm doing. I'm not certified in personal training.. I learn by doing research and getting advice from other people.. so I don't think I should write out a plan, but I can certainly try to post more of my workouts! hope this helps :)
