Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fasted Cardio

Hi there! So I've decided to start doing fasted cardio in the morning in addition to my lifting routine later in the day and cardio afterward.  Fasted cardio is doing some form of cardio on an empty stomach.  I was pretty skeptical to do this because I've looked into it and there's so much debate as to whether it causes muscle loss, but it is known to be the quickest way to burn fat because your body uses fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.  Obviously if you have more fuel in your system, you should be able to train at a higher intensity and burn more calories.  Also, if you burn more carbohydrates during a workout, your post-workout fat burn should be greater.  So this makes it seem as though fasted cardio does not have any benefit over doing cardio after a meal.  It's an extremely debated topic, but I've talked to some NPC bikini competitors and they swear by it, so I'm going to give it a shot!  It differs with everyone as to whether it works or not, so don't shut out the idea until you've tried it.  Bodybuilders use this as a way to get really lean.  In my opinion, if you do it the right way, you're not going to lose your muscle mass.  Taking BCAAs before fasted cardio is a good way to prevent muscle breakdown (look at my post about BCAAs a few weeks back!)  According to an article I read, a good way to do fasted cardio is like this:

Wake up, take supplements (fat burner, etc.)
15 min. later, begin sipping BCAAs
15 min. later after consuming 1/3 of BCAAs, begin cardio
Sip another 1/3 through cardio
At end of session, finish last 3rd
15 min. later, eat breakfast!

A good rule is 3.5 g BCAAs per 15 minutes of fasted cardio.  I'm probably going to start out with a half hour of fasted cardio, and have about 10g of BCAAs total.  We'll see how it goes! :)

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