Monday, March 18, 2013

Casein Protein

Casein a high quality protein and is abundant in milk.  It has a slower rate of digestion than whey protein, and results in a slow but steady release of amino acids.  It has been shown to have anti-catabolic effects by supporting muscle growth and blocking protein breakdown. It also can promote fat loss by increasing your metabolism and reducing hunger.  This is why a good time to take casein is right before bed, where you are going a long period without the chance to refuel.  The most effective form of casein is micellar casein (this should be the first ingredient for the best results).


  1. Great recipe! I will have to try it sometime. I just made some pumpkin-banana protein bread using banana cream ON 100% Whey. Protein powders aren't the easiest to cook with so keep the recipes coming (:

    1. definitely, i have a ton of recipes where i use protein powder so i'll be sure to post more!
