Sunday, August 4, 2013

100 Rep Leg Workout

Hey everyone! This past week my workout schedule got a little messed up because I went away for the weekend. I had to change things around and fit in a leg workout Friday before I left (I train my weaker muscle groups twice a week), and I got inspired to do something different/challenging.  It ended up being KILLER (and not recommended if you're going to sit in the car and drive for 2 hours afterward!) so I figured I'd share! I got this idea to do an 100 rep leg workout from a figure competitor that I follow on Instagram.  I did my own variation and it's definitely something I'm going to incorporate more often to switch things up!
Sidenote, the reason I have the song She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) (Koaz vs Sandro Silva Mix to be exact) pictured is because came on during my workout and I hadn't heard it in a LONG time. It was a song I listened to a lot when I was going through some things in my life and it brought back some memories but I was so glad it did because it got me so pumped and got me through my workout! The point of me sharing that is two reasons: 1. When you workout, pick music that pumps you up and gets your adrenaline going! I honestly think it makes a difference and they've even done studies on it.  I like a wide variety of music but my favorite thing to listen to when I workout is techno or dubstep because it fires me up...but I know some people that workout to country.  Chose whatever music works best for you!  2. Working out is the perfect healthy outlet for your emotions.  As soon as I started thinking about my past, it made me kind of angry but I used that anger to push through my workout and work twice as hard! That's why whenever I'm upset, angry, or stressed I go to the gym.  Working out is the cheapest and best therapy you can get.  If it wasn't for the gym, I don't think I could have gotten through a lot of things in the past year or two.
Anyway, I highly recommend this workout or do your own variation! Do as heavy as you can and don't rest during the 100 reps!

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