Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a few days away and is a holiday known for chocolate and candy.  The good news is that although chocolate contains saturated fat, the kind known to clog arteries and raise “bad” LDL cholesterol, about 1/3 of it is not the kind that raises LDL.  The body converts this into a healthy monounsaturated fat! The bad news is that, as we all know, chocolate does contain a lot of calories and sugar.

Here are some tips to avoid over-indulging: 
*Go for chocolate-covered strawberries or other chocolate-covered fruit! Low in calories and loaded with anti-oxidants.
*Dark Chocolate is better than other types of chocolate because it contains flavonoids, anti-oxidants that protect your cells from being damaged--so choose dark chocolate if you can! (Dark chocolate-covered pomegranates are the bomb, just saying!)
*Pay attention to your portions.  Treats are okay in small amounts, you just have to be careful that you don't over-do it!
*Wear form-fitting clothes. It's actually proven that if you do this, you won't eat as much.
*If you're going out to eat and you know you're going to get dessert, look up the best option online before you go to the restaurant.

Or, an easy solution:

haha :)

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