Friday, February 8, 2013

Snow Day Workout

When the snow is keeping you from getting to the gym, it doesn't mean you can't get a workout in!  There are tons of workouts you can do at home.  It does help to have some dumbbells at home, but if not take a gym bag and throw as many shoes as you can fit inside, zip it, hold it by the handles-- instant weights! I added some pictures because some of these are hard to explain.

3 min warm up
Get your heart rate up by jumping rope (or pretend you have a jump rope if you don't have one!)

Mountain Climbers- 1 minute

Sumo Squat with Leg Lift- 3 x 15
*Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hold weight (dumbbell or gym bag with weight) on your back. Squat, then rise, and as you reach the top, lift your right leg, touching your knee to your elbow, then lower it back to the ground. Lower into your next squat, and do the other leg

Tricep Dips- 3 x 15
*Use bench or chair

Jumping Jacks - 2 minutes

Step Ups- 3 x 15 each side
*Use a bench, chair, step, etc.  Have the weight/bag on your back. Press your left heel into the step and push your body up until your left leg is straight and you’re standing on one leg on the bench, keeping your right foot elevated. Lower your body back down until your right foot touches the floor. That’s one repetition. Do all your reps with your left leg, then do your right.

Overhead Raise- 3 x 15
*Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, holding a weight with both hands, elbows straight, at your hips. Keeping your elbows straight, raise the ball upward until it is directly overhead, then lower to where you started.


Burpees- 1 minute

Decline Lunges- 3 x 15 each side
*With a bench/chair about a yard behind you, stand on your right leg and place the toes of your left foot on the chair, and position your foot so it's vertical. Bend your front knee and lower your back knee directly down to the ground.  Try to get your front thigh horizontal. Don't let your front knee pass in front of your toe. Do all reps on one leg, then switch.

Push Ups x 20
*Have feet up on chair/bench so at an incline

1:00 min Plank

Bonus: Go outside and shovel!

Images taken from google.

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